
As a musician, I find that the use of music in movies is massively influential to my feelings about the final product. Many of my all-time favorites have memorable, classic scores. Please note that a score is different from a soundtrack. A soundtrack may include previously recorded songs by existing artists, and also other aspects of the final mix. There are many out there that I love, but that's a different topic. A score is music composed specifically for the film. Here I will list several of my favorite scores and link to some examples. If you have some that you like, please do the same and share! [b]Jurassic Park[/b] My favorite movie and the score is a big part of the reason. Beautiful song whether you are a fan of the film or not. If you listen through the video, the secondary theme starts about 4:30. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6fka74ZnpU [b]The Empire Strikes Back [/b] All of Williams' Star Wars music has etched itself into our collective consciousness, but Empire in particular built on the foundation of the first film giving us essentials such as the Imperial March. The asteroid field scene is my favorite bit in the whole trilogy, and again the music is a major factor. Best part starts at about 1:12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvvK4CJ7CVU [b]Fargo[/b] A beautiful, mournful song for one of the great American movies. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4NCC0dUXks [b]Pan's Labyrinth[/b] Such a simple song, but gorgeous. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19bBGxf5k6k [b]The Land Before Time[/b] Surprise! Forgot this has an awesome score? Well it does. Conclusion? Movies about dinosaurs are awesome. Good thing they never made a sequel to this classic. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpBHdFfNtgg [b]The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly[/b] One of the most recognized scores in the world, probably. I'll bet most people associate this with westerns without even knowing where it comes from. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hYV-JSjpyU [b]Batman[/b] The one thing missing from Batman Begins was Danny Elfman's cadence at the end. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgpmdqUEQRM

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