
Thanks guys. I know I can be a little strong at times, to say the least, but I do have a soft heart and I don\'t hate anyone on this site. I have a lot of things going on this week so I won\'t be able to post much, but please, if you believe Jesus isnt God please reconsider that position. I\'ve told someone else that I have had people try to convince me that through prayer, fasting and having oil sloshed on them in church service that its okay for them to participate in a monagomous, homosexual relationship. You guys could probably imagine my reaction. :blink: :angry: :( I\'ve even heard of people attempting to use scriptures to back this notion up, speaking of David and Johnathan\'s relationship, insinuating that it was homosexual. The same with Naomi and Ruth. And of course they used the argument of, \"Well Jesus never said its wrong to have homosexual relations. If He didn\'t specifically mention it as a sin, it cant be a sin. Paul is off his rocker, plus he hates women too, telling them to be submissive.\" And of course the ever popular, \"Where does the Bible say thou shalt not wrangle booties? I want to see those specific words and Jesus has to say it just like that for me to believe it.\" smh Some people just wanna do what they do. Jesus is definitely God. He had to be in order to be sinless because no mere man can be totally sinless. Anyways, I love you guys and I apologize for coming across too harsh with anyone, but some of the things some of you believe is as dangerous as clogged arteries. Please reconsider those beliefs.

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