
[b]BrotherReed wrote:[/b] [quote][quote]every human being falls into these categories and if this is so...wheres the hope of us going to heaven? so i just dont beleive this part of the bible.[/quote] I'm going to address this because I think it's very important. Jesus' disciples said the same thing. When confronted with Jesus' teaching about the rich young ruler (it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God), they asked, "Who then can be saved?" The question is revealing of the kind of hopelessness that results from an understanding of just how high God's standards are and how utterly sinful we are. So you are right to ask, where is the hope of going to heaven? The good part is there is an answer. Jesus replied to His disciples by saying "With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God." God made a way through Jesus Christ. He is our one and only hope of heaven, our only triumph over the sin that otherwise rules our lives. So my suggestion is, instead of throwing out the part of the Bible that tells us the consequences of sin, couple that with the part of the Bible that tells us how to overcome it. The big picture is much more satisfying.[/quote] Thanks for addressing that <3

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