
Alright guys. After 3 months on planning this out, I'm finally ready. This list was not easy for me to make. I just had so many favorite movies, that I had to make the appropriate number of 30, just to show you all of my favorites. I had others that I tried to cram in so many, that I ended up losing so many others. So I tried to categorize them to where they rank in my favorites. It took me 3 months to figure this out, just because I wanted to make sure if these are my favorites, and if these are worthy of being on the list. And don't be disappointed if you don't see any movie that YOU like on your list, or if you see a movie that you hate on the list either. So, here are my top 30 favorite movies. 30. [IMG]http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f186/L_Burna718/tf-dvd-cover-large.jpg[/IMG] I was about to do a review of this movie yesterday, but I wanted to put this on the list. And because I decided to put this on the list, I'll give you guys a short review on the movie right now. Yes, I do love Michael Bay's Transformers movie, but I like the 1986 animated movie a lot better. And yes, I do have my reasons for why. First of all, the cast. You have Blur, who is played by John Moschitta, who was the same guy from the Micro Machines commercial and Leonard Nimoy as Galvatron. Second, the main enemy. Unicron, to my opinion, is my favorite bad guy from the Transformers series, and he proves it, by eating planets, and manipulating others to do his business. Come on, he turned Megatron, one of the most famous villians, into Galvatron. That, and he can transform too into a giant robot. Bigger than anything that I have ever seen. Last, but not least, was the music. It rocked more than anything that I listened to from Michael Bay's choices of Linkin Park. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSCQXGbQOsM&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=354fsy3oL_M The action scenes in this one are, to my perspective, are much better than Michael Bay's. It makes you feel interested of what you are watching. It gets you hyped up to what is happening. Just seeing all of your favorite transformers on one whole movie, to me, was a great experience to see. My favorite Dino-bots were in there, and Blur was just epic. Although, I was more of a Bumble-Bee fan, and I did wish that I got to see more of him in this one. But I still, truly loved this film.

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