
[b]Son_Of_Fire wrote:[/b] [quote]What in the world gives Palestine the right to Jerusalem?[/quote] Think of it from the point of view from a Palestinian refugee for a moment (who is a third class citizen in areas like Lebanon, by the way). Some people in those camps were children when they watched their parents slaughtered at the hands of the Israelis or when they and their entire families were forced from their homes for no other reason than they came from Ishmael, not Isaac. It doesn't help that after the Six Day War, the UN passed a resolution that told the Palestinian refugees that they had a right to return to their homes in now-Israel. It is very common to see a key painted on the cement blocks that they call home representing the key to the home that they see as stolen from them. It's actually a somewhat similar situation to the founding of the US and how we treated the Native Americans (hint: really badly). Or, perhaps a better analogy for how the Palestinians are now would be how the Isrealites were for so long. Homeless and outcasts to every country. Anyways, I'm with Ron Paul on this issue. We shouldn't be meddling in the Middle Eastern affairs, and for a few reasons. To paraphrase Reagan, we don't know how Middle Eastern politics work. Also, governing the world is not the job of the US. Finally, our debt to GDP ratio is almost at 90%. We just don't have the funds to keep financing these countries and, often times, terrorist cells.

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