
And then post yours, however extensive it is (although preferably in alphabetical order), and we'll rate those. Also, be sure to only post the ones you personally own, not the ones in your household. Because of this, many of my favorite movies aren't on this list, since I didn't buy a lot of movies that my brother already owns. Also, I purchased most of these movies for $5, because I'm cheap. [b]#[/b] 28 Days Later 300 [b]A[/b] Alien 1-3 [b]B[/b] Batman Begins Beautiful Mind, A Big Bang Theory: The Complete First Season, The Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey Billy Madison Book of Eli, The [b]C[/b] Caddyshack, The Castaway Catch Me If You Can Cinderella Man [b]D[/b] Dark Knight, The Defiance Departed, The [b]E[/b] Equilibrium [b]F[/b] Fame Fringe: The Complete First Season [b]G[/b] Ghostbusters 1&2 Great Outdoors, The Gumby: The Movie [b]H[/b] Hannibal Happening, The Hulk [b]I[/b] Inception Iron Man 1&2 [b]K[/b] Kill Bill: Volumes 1&2 [b]M[/b] Man of the Year Megamind Million Dollar Baby [b]N[/b] Night at the Roxbury [b]P[/b] Paris When It Sizzles Patch Adams Patriot, The Planes, Trains, and Automobiles Poltergeist Princess Bride, The Pursuit of Happyness, The [b]R[/b] Renaissance: Paris 2054 Rocketman [b]S[/b] Seven Pounds Shawshank Redemption, The Shining, The Shutter Island Silence of the Lambs [b]T[/b] Tears of the Sun Twilight Zone: The Movie [b]U[/b] Unbreakable [b]V[/b] V For Vendetta [b]W[/b] Walk the Line Walk to Remember, A Waterboy, The [b]X[/b] X-Files: I Want to Believe, The X-Men 1-3 [b]Y[/b] Young Frankenstein [b]Z[/b] Zombieland

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