
I believe that the end result of predestination and double predestination has the same result, I am willing to accept both but I do believe that we all put our selves in hell, because of our depravity and God selects people that he is going to say, I think if we go to hell, then it is our fault, we put ourselves there but if we make it to heaven then that is working of God, the end result is the same but who puts us in hell is different. Both single and double predestination are consistent with what Calvin taught, I think single predestination showing more of our depravity because it is saying that God doesn't need to align us to hell, he belong there anyway and can get there ourselves but for salvation, that is where we need good. I can agree that He works it out but if He wanted everyone to go to hell then we wouldn't need to do a think, just let the people go without laying grace on their life and His justice send us to hell, I guess by there being either heaven or hell electing for one is kind of election for the other There is a vague difference and I think a blurry line between the two. [quote]I think you may have me confused with an Arminianist.[/quote] I probably did, sorry about that.

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