
Iran's officials are demanding that pastor Yousef Nadarkhani recant his faith in Christ, and turn to Islam, or else face death. He is being held prisoner, and by tradition, is given three chances to recant. He has just denied his second. It is expected that he will be given his last chance on Tuesday, and if he denies again, the court will execute him. Please pray for this pastor, as we can not do much else. Pray for this nation who has turned extremely violent as of late (This story has followed another recently, in which Iran was to "lash" a group of women who were caught driving a car). Link: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/religious-right-now/post/christian-pastor-yousef-nadarkhani-faces-potential-execution/2011/09/27/gIQA9ZZB2K "When asked to “repent” by the judges, Youcef stated, “Repent means to return. What should I return to? To the blasphemy that I had before my faith in Christ?” The judges replied , “To the religion of your ancestors, Islam.” To which he replied, “I cannot.”

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