
[b]Son_Of_Fire wrote:[/b] [quote]Clear warning, this video is graphic. Don't click if blood bothers you. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=vrAqcd5WgHY&skipcontrinter=1[/quote] What you sow you shall reap. It was at Gaddafi's behest that innocent people be raped and murdered, but it was the soldiers who did the deeds. This soldier bet everything on the wrong team and lost. That's all. No more, no less. But it's patently misleading to insinuate that the way these people act represent the values and actions of 1 billion Muslims. In fact even if 1,000,000 Muslims acted similar it would still only be representative of less than 1 percent of 1 percent of all Muslims (.01%). The irony, Kenneth, is that the people like you who paint the whole of others with one hand would dismiss the same treatment with the other. Your quickness to label a majority Muslims one way incites the same response in others from both sides. Hate breeds hate. Distrust breeds distrust. Dante

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