
[b]TrueTalent wrote:[/b] [quote]I, personally, loved Sherlock Holmes (The New One). I went through some of your reviews and they are actually quite interesting to read. You disect the movie with such precision, it is unbelievable.[/quote] Thank you! As an aspiring reviewer and hopefully decent amateur writer, it's always nice to hear some encouragement. [quote]Back to what I was saying though. I haven't seen the original Sherlock Holmes, so seeing the one that came out in '11 was new to me. Going back to one of the reviews, you mentioned The Other Guys, and I must say, that movie made me laugh more than I have ever laughed.[/quote] Yeah, I really liked it. Need to watch it again soon. [quote]Thanks for the remembrance of good movies. Keep up the reviews, -William (TrueTalent)[/quote] PLUG WARNING: If you're interested in reading some of my more in-depth reviews, you can visit my blog at www.theraptorpack.wordpress.com. Haven't updated much lately but hopefully I'll do a year-end wrap-up at the end of the month.

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