
So...this is getting a little ridiculous and I realize that. I\'m seeing lots of movies (still) that I think are good or very good but so few that are great or outstanding. As a result my 7/10 territory is becoming congested. I\'m splitting my list into tiers which might make it easier and also give me some flexibility in terms of order (which is about to change). But before that, let\'s add a few more movies. [b]Margin Call[/b] was on the verge of greatness, at least initially. It started out with this really palpable sense of dread and a realistic look at downsizing. The early scene where Stanley Tucci gets laid off is great, and so is the moment when Zachary Quinto realizes something bad is going down and starts trying to pull his coworkers back to take a look at it. However, the script quickly becomes repetitive, as people keep saying things like \"It looks ugly\" and \"This is bad.\" Then we have this loop where one person realizes the magnitude of the issue and then explains it to a superior who originally doesn\'t get it, but then realizes the magnitude of the issue and then explains it to a superior, etc. I swear the first hour of the movie consists of people getting worried and slowly climbing the chain of command with the bad news, which is something about risk management and variation within a system and selling useless securities and a bunch of other banking terms I know absolutely nothing about and still know nothing about having seen the film. Apparently it\'s based on a real life event that occurred near the beginning of the 2008 financial downturn in the country. Anyway, the film smolders but never really takes off - perhaps it\'s constrained by the fact that it\'s telling a (sort of) true story. The upside is that the film looks good and boasts an impressive roster of actors who all do good work. Kevin Spacey, Jeremy Irons, Stanley Tucci, Zachary Quinto, Paul Bettany and others give interesting, commanding performances and so it\'s worth watching just for all of them. The ending is something of an anticlimax, and the movie is filled with a sort of existential brooding but never gives you any idea of what the events taking place are about to unleash on the world market and how others will be affected by it. Mostly what we see is overpaid number crunchers worrying about losing their own jobs. It\'s a solid thriller but without the relevance or panache of something like Up in the Air or The Social Network, or even this year\'s Moneyball - though comparison with those films is at least complimentary. Then we have [b]Our Idiot Brother[/b], aka Our Idiot Movie. Is this a comedy? I don\'t think I laughed once. Poor Paul Rudd is at his most likable but the story just isn\'t funny. It\'s certainly not a drama disguised as a comedy, it\'s just a comedy that didn\'t work. Oh and it showed me Steve Coogan\'s balls, but kept Zooey Deschanel, Emily Mortimer and Elizabeth Banks covered up. Thank for nothing, movie. [b]Great[/b] 1. Drive 2. The Adjustment Bureau 3. Moneyball [b]Very Good[/b] 4. Hanna 5. Super 8 6. Martha Marcy May Marlene 7. Horrible Bosses 8. Rango 9. The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo 10. Attack the Block 11. The Ward [b]Good[/b] 12. In Time 13. Source Code 14. The Descendants 15. Contagion 16. Margin Call 17. The Lincoln Lawyer [b]Decent[/b] 18. Limitless 19. Insidious 20. Midnight in Paris 21. Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows 22. Unknown [b]Average[/b] 23. X-Men: First Class 24. Thor 25. Crazy, Stupid, Love 26. We Bought A Zoo [b]Weak[/b] 27. Bridesmaids 28. Everything Must Go 29. Conan O\'Brien Can\'t Stop [b]Bad[/b] 30. Our Idiot Brother 31. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy 32. Just Go With It

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