
1. The Cabin in the Woods 2. Prometheus 3. 21 Jump Street 4. The Avengers 5. The Hunger Games 6. Chernobyl Diaries 7. Safe House 8. Gone [b]9. Snow White and the Huntsman[/b] Well, I hate to do this but I was the opposite of impressed with Snow White and the Huntsman. I wanted to sleep through it. Worth watching only for Charlize Theron hamming it up as the villain. The main character has no actual character traits, and Stewart doesn't really look the part either which doesn't help. There are some cool effects but they're mostly lifted from other movies (Lord of the Rings, Princess Mononoke) but not as good. The plotting and script give us no compelling connection to anyone, no emotional reason to will anyone to succeed. Bland and silly.

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