
I've decided to vote for Virgil Goode, though I don't like him much since he didn't do anything I could see for the eastern part of his 5th District constituency in Virginia during the 80's. I lived in the 5th District from 1982-1988. He's a sight better than Romney and his 47% of the US population. Yeah, he's talking about my fixed income as well as my disabilities. He's also getting on the working and laid off middle class as well as the same lower class. What a putz. I like Obama until the gay marriage thing and abortion. I can't vote today since the polling place is 1-3 miles up and down steep, long hills. It's at the Bedford, Va Welcome Center. It's a long haul walk for me. I can't find a way to get there.

XS (Extra Small) SM (Small) MD (Medium) LG (Large)