







24 Jun

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Kathi (Admin)
Welcome to the myPraize family Joe!
Joe Rivaldo
FOR YOUR QUIET TIME Psalm 107: 9; ?For He satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.? Most people believe that for them to be content, they must have as many material things to make them happy as possible. Have you ever thought in your mind: ?If I only had just a little more??! A lesson we should take from that statement is this: ?If I am not satisfied with what I have, I will never be satisfied with what I want.? Our contentment must be learned and developed. Actually, it is a foreign attitude to our human behavior. When Paul was in the dungeon, he wrote: ?I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation?? (Philippians 4: 12). He learned that contentment lies with a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Your money can buy a lot of things, but will never buy you permanent satisfaction. Only a personal relationship with your Creator will satisfy your heart. The point that every generation needs to remember is we will never discover anything more satisfying than being close to the Lord. God uses our lost ways, our hunger, our thirst, and our exhaustion to point us towards Him as the Way, as our Bread and Water of life and that He is the giver of our much-needed peaceful rest. Those who have suffered in the past or who are suffering now, need to find God?s offer of Salvation if they are going to experience any degree of peace. The longing that God planted in our hearts from birth is a longing that He and only He can fully satisfy!!! NUMBERING OUR DAYS: Psalm 42: 1; 81: 16; 103: 5; Proverbs 13: 4; Philippians 4: 11, 12. When you feel truly satisfied in your heart, whether it be for an hour, a day, or a week or more, what/who do you praise for that satisfaction??? Be Blessed, pastor me
Joe Rivaldo

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