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Bio : {{config.wall.profile.bio}}
Musical Influences : {{config.wall.profile.musicalInfluences}}
Genre : {{config.wall.profile.genre}}
Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/cenasgirl
Edited {{content.lastEdited|timeSince}}
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Connor Clark
Connor Clark
Connor Clark
christopher dingman
you watch wrestling????
christopher dingman
you watch wrestling????
Connor Clark
hey just wanted to tell yall that i got a new myspace if u have one search me as Connor Clark and my city is Amarillo so yeah ummmmm i might be the only one there idk well ~*peace,love,connor*~
Connor Clark
hey just wanted to tell yall that i got a new myspace if u have one search me as Connor Clark and my city is Amarillo so yeah ummmmm i might be the only one there idk well ~*peace,love,connor*~
Connor Clark
OH and my pic is of a yorkshire terrier with a pearls and stuff so yeah ~*peace,love,YOU!!!*~
Connor Clark
Boyfriend application
Connor Clark
Connor Clark
do u like the bg?
Connor Clark
u r hot
Connor Clark
_________@@@@@@@@___ __ _____@@@@@@_________ ___ ___@@@@@@___________ ___ __@@@@@@@___________ __ ___@@@@@@___________ ___ _____@@@@@@_________ ___ _________@@@@@@@@___ __ ____________________ _______ ______@@@@@@@@@_____ __ __@@@@@_______@@@@@_ _ _@@@@@_________@@@@@ _ _@@@@@_________@@@@@ _ _@@@@@_________@@@@@ _ __@@@@@_______@@@@@_ _ ______@@@@@@@@@_____ __ ____________________ _______ ______@@@@@@@@@_____ __ __@@@@@_______@@@@@_ _ _@@@@@_________@@@@@ _ _@@@@@_________@@@@@ _ _@@@@@_________@@@@@ _ __@@@@@_______@@@@@_ _ ______@@@@@@@@@_____ __ ____________________ ____ __@@@@@@____________ ____ __@@@@@@____________ ____ __@@@@@@____________ ____ __@@@@@@____________ ____ __@@@@@@____________ ____ __@@@@@@@@@@@@@@___ __@@@@@@@@@@@@@@___ __@@@@@@@@@@@@@@___
Connor Clark
those glasses r not mine but thyre cute on me thyre actually t12ws
Connor Clark
MAKE OUT BUDDY There is at least one person on your Myprazie list that wants to make out with you. So lets play the make out game. The rules are simple: If you want to make out with the person who posts this then send them a message saying \"i would do it\". (dont worry, no one will tell) SCARED? lol this is hilarious! The twist is YOU HAVE TO RE-POST THIS and see who replies. There is at least one person on your Myspace list that wants to make out with you, so repost this as MAKE OUT BUDDY

My {{hash}}

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