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Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/dragonmaster784
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Adriana White
LYRICS to one of my fav songs!
Adriana White
I'm too sexy for this song...
Adriana White
kaysha ledbetter
i know i know
Adriana White
Aw Kaysha! I love your picture but your not in it?! I remember that. We were being the tree that wasn\'t there. I was the trunk and Shannon and Jesse were the branches! Good times. Good times.
Adriana White
Thanks for the heads up. Oh, and happy Monthaversary to you and Jesse. Congrats! :wink:
Jessi Harris
well i hope it works out for you to room together! but take it from someone who knows, its REALLY hard to room w/someone you already know.. :S so just forwarning you lol it kinda sucks... lol
Adriana White
Jesse Ledbetter
hey i miss you too
Adriana White
Yeah, me and Kaysha have been planning to room together for a long time! We are even gonna get these shirts that say roomates and wear them on moving day! It\'\'s gonna be so exciting. Can\'t wait to get up there! :lol:
Jessi Harris
yay dorm parties! lol we have girls in our room a lot! :) haha i am in woodworth actually lol i like it there a LOT. the rooms are nice and spacey..there\'s 4 closets and it\'s NICE. haha but donnelson is good too :) lol anywho.. you and kaysha rooming together?
Adriana White
l0l anyways....Happy Birthday to YOU!!!!! eighteen! Wow, It seems so long ago that I was eighteen. But that was years ago. I\'m much older now. :wink: :roll:
Adriana White
That is sooooo gonna be me when I get up there. No study, just party. l0l we can have a party together! What dorm are you in? Kaysha and I are gonna be in Donnelson :D
Adriana White
That is sooooo gonna be me when I get up there. No study, just party. l0l we can have a party together! What dorm are you in? Kaysha and I are gonna be in Donnelson :D
Jeremy Zeleny
i think that u were correct when u typed that.

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