
Chain of command


15 year(s) ago

I am glad that we do now have posted chat rules, as I know that was a problem for a while. I think we should take the next step, and post some sort of a hierarchy of mods and admins, for the benefit of those having trouble. For example, I get messages from people banned in chat, and of course, I can't really do anything about it, nor directly link back to message them saying this. Maybe if somewhere in the help section, it listed the various mods, admins, superadmins, and owners, everybody would be clear as far as who to talk to for what sort of issue. I would think a dynamically created page would be preferable in the long run, so that updates in the mod/admin roster wouldn't require updates on our list, but even if it were just a static html page, I think that would be a big help for the users that don't know where to turn for this or that.


15 year(s) ago

Yeah, I get messages all the time asking for me to unban them or kick the chat or something of that sort. I would be glad to help them if I could, but that's not something a mod can take care of.

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