


11 year(s) ago

well I started it. 20 credits I'm not sure what I was thinking there... Any words of wisdom for the home schooler entering college? p.s. I miss ya'll this place has become very boring


11 year(s) ago

Ration your time wisely. Make a schedule of all your obligations, whether they are classes or organizations so you know what you to do that day. Make a list of major assignments (and their due dates) that you can check off as you get through them. College is fun! So enjoy it But use your time wisely and make good decisions or it can be very stressful and difficult! Good luck, Freshman!


11 year(s) ago

Advice for entering college: -20 credits is a TON. Be prepared to study your rumpus off! Make sure that you do things when you get the assignment, even if it's not due until the mid/end of a semester. Things will always build up more at those times. It's like every professor gets together and says "Lets all schedule a test, a group project, and a 10 page paper on the same day an hour apart from each other!" - Join an organization. Be a part of something. There are three main reasons for this: Gets you out and socializing for friends, contacts, and stress relief at the end of the day. Looks good on a resume eventually if you stick with it enough to make the exec board someday. It actually gives you a great sense of pride. It's nothing like after school activities, it's fully on the students and you have a huge part in it normally. (Not necessarily a sorority, those take more work than you think. It's stupid how much is required in something like that, so i would suggest looking into them in a lighter semester if at all.) -Choose your battles! My program had me talk to the freshmen about what I would do differently. My advice for anyone: LEARN TO SAY NO. It's great to want to help people, to be part of things, to take charge of things, but eventually people start asking more of you than you can handle. Just say no. You don't have to be sorry, you are in charge of your time, and you don't need to take on more than you can chew. -SLEEP. SLEEP SLEEP SLEEP. Yes, you'll have to pull an all-nighter once in a while, but make sure that you don't stay out and do your homework at 10pm-3. This wears you down, and you WILL get sick much easier. -Take a multi-vitamin. It will keep your health up among all those sick dorm people and roommates, and will also help balance out the cliche college diet. -I suggest taking notes on a laptop. You can type faster, and go back and edit the notes easier. Also helps when studying: ctrl+f to look for what you need to know. -If you have troubles, go to a professor early on. Here's the difference: I have one professor friend who hates being approached by students towards the end of semester worried about their grades. He won't help them. I was failing a class... hard... for the second time. I had no idea why, or what i could do to be better at it. I went to the prof during his office hours, and he and i worked out a deal that he'd give me a list of topics that would be on the next test a few weeks before everyone else got it so that i could study early, and he'd also edit my final paper before it was due to make sure i was on the right track before turning it in. They can really save your butt if you're polite and just ask for help on how to improve - NOT extra credit, NOT a re-do of something. Just doing better next time. -Accept failure with grace. It happens to everyone on something. Sometimes even a whole class. Just say "oops," and move on to the next thing. -Take classes you wouldn't normally consider as "important to your major." They're often your favorites. I'm in theatre, and I've crossed majors and taken some psychology classes that interested me, as well as taking rock climbing and archery this semester. Get out of your department now and then. -Make a buddy or two in your classes. You'll miss one at some point, and you'll be needing those notes. Maybe they'll need those notes too if they miss one, and then maybe then they'll owe you a note-trading hour before a test to make sure neither of you are missing anything important that was covered *hint-good idea to study-hint* -Facebook is the college kid's enemy. Pull up your notes, and shut off your internet. Maybe deactivate your account before finals too, then bring it back after. There are times that I've been studying, and then like magic I'm suddenly looking at facebook and commenting on a status without even realizing it. How? Who knows. It just showed up to the party. Yeah, that's all the advice I can think of. :P All of which is experience from myself and almost everyone I know. Good luck young one, and may the odds be ever in your favor!


11 year(s) ago

Don't date anyone your freshman year.


11 year(s) ago

[b]BrotherReed wrote:[/b] [quote]Don't date anyone your freshman year.[/quote] Thumbs up, Reed.


11 year(s) ago

Thanks so much for all of that Chelsea (?) its been really helpful, I did however have to join a society its the rules, the lame rules -_- yeah its kind of funny I was going to bed like midnight and waking up at 9 during break and as soon as school started I was like 9pm is the perfect bed time because I have to be up and ready to leave by 7:30 And yes sir I do not plan on dating I am much to busy!

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