
D.O.G.S. of Pray


18 year(s) ago

D.O.G.S. of Pray is a hard rocking all original Christian rock band in the vein of Lacuna Coil, Seether, Evanescence, Alice In Chains, and even Led Zeppelin. Their sound is somewhere between gothic, theatrical and straight ahead hard rock with a positive message. They are different in that they feature two talented vocalists (1 male and 1 female) which broadens the bands range of musical presence. Their blended vocals makes for a unique sound that stands out in their hard rocking approach. MyPraize: http://www.mypraize.com/dogsofpray Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/dogsofpray Check us out and give us a listen. You can read band bios at http://www.dogsofpray.com Sign our guestbook, join our fan forum and help us Rock the Word!! God bless and hope to hear from you all Blessings in Christ, D.O.G.S. of Pray

XS (Extra Small) SM (Small) MD (Medium) LG (Large)