
Glad I got rid of her


16 year(s) ago

So, about 2 1/2 years ago, I broke up with a girl I was dating for 7 months. 6 months after I dumped her, I got a message on myspace from her saying that she was married, but she would still like to be friends with me. 'Let's hang out' I deleted the message and denied the friend request. A few days ago, I ran into her younger brother at the park and we spent a little time hanging out and talking. He told me that after I broke up with her, she started going out with another guy and started drinking, smoking, and got pregnant. While she was going out with him, she was also sleeping with another guy, so she has no idea which one the father is. One of the girls she was hanging out with convinced her to break up with both of the guys and start going out with her. Yes, she turned into a lesbian. Then, she married one of the guys that she figured MIGHT be the baby's dad, but she's sleeping with his best friend (and also his sister) Pretty much, I think I made a great choice getting rid of her.


16 year(s) ago

hey, i skipped thru the page so forgive me if i miss something but i honestly think you made a bad choice of not keeping in touch if you would of, you couldve saved someone from a terrible future it is possibilly partially your fault for this. my opinion dont hate


16 year(s) ago

Here's the deal....I was going to keep in touch. However, every day, even after I broke up with her, she kept calling me. Every weekend, she kept coming over to my house and trying to get back together. Even after she started dating the other guys, she still kept coming over trying to get me back.


16 year(s) ago

Answer this honestly. Did you ever talk to her? Really, talk to her? Tell her that there is no way you two are getting back together and ylu just want to stay friends? Some people are so, i dont know, distracted by you that she didnt get the implied messages


16 year(s) ago

implied messages? I actually flat out told her that it was over. I didn't imply anything.


16 year(s) ago

hmmmmmm...... i still have my opinion but I see your side too

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