


16 year(s) ago

i always have trouble coming home and not doing my homework. I don't mind doing it i just never do it right away. I want to be able to come home do my homework and have the rest of the day to myself. I need some advice....


16 year(s) ago

dont feel so bad i used to be like that.......... all u gotta do is discipline yourself..... turn it into a habit......... pray and let God help you turn that into a habit.......... it works believe me............ because now i have a lot of free spare time.....lol...... but rly ask the Lord and He'll help you........... the Bible says to ask and you'll receive......... and it also tells us to discipline ourselves................:)


16 year(s) ago

Just set a time daily to do your homework, preferably, when you get home. That way you can get it out of the way, and have some free time, without the burden of having to do it later.


16 year(s) ago

Try to do it when you get home and make it a habit. after a while it will be the first thing u want to do when you get home

Post edited by: i_like_hunter, at: 2008/02/09 14:07

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