
I'm 20, where the females at? LOL


18 year(s) ago

Hey hey, I'm Kyle Yebba and I'm 20 and will soon be living in Warner Robins, GA. Just wanna throw myself out there and start some forum chat. So feel free to say who you are and we can start our own little adult community here on MyPraize. And on another note, I am an administrator here and if you have questions, feel free to message me or write on my wall. Peace, Love & ROCK ON!!! ~¤§¤~ Kyle Yebba ~¤§¤~


18 year(s) ago

All I have to say is that your my hero Kyle! :sick:


18 year(s) ago

[b]admin wrote:[/b] [quote]All I have to say is that your my hero Kyle! :sick:[/quote] Hey I am what I am, and...well...thats what I am! Good to know I'm loved. :laugh: [img size=290]http://www.mypraize.com/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/images/kyle.jpg[/img]


18 year(s) ago

This site could use a section for the older crowd...I'm 47


18 year(s) ago

Well tomorrow, June 22nd, my husband and I are celebrating our 21st wedding anniversary!!! Praise the Lord on that one! Without HIM we wouldn't be saying this! So thank you Lord for 21 years and I pray that you give us many more together! JanMS42


18 year(s) ago

hey alright, so I wasn't the only one feeling a little bit older than the average crowd on here. I just found out about mypraize and was pretty thrilled because I don't really appreciate the ad's on myspace:S I am 20 and would agree that sometimes I feel old and young at the same time... hooray for confusing times of life...:woohoo: hehe:side:


18 year(s) ago

Hey all you young whippersnappers! You guys and girls don't know what old is. Why, I have 2heavenigo beat. The fourth of this month I celebrated my 61st birthday. This is my first time on MyPraize. I heard about it over on the Live365 board of a way to promote my Christian Internet Radio Station, K-GRACE, Your Source for Conservative Christian Music. I don't suppose you young things would like the music I play on my station but I am getting quite a few hits from all around the world of people (their ages I do not know) who are listening and apprarently liking the music. If you get a chance or are curious you can tune in to my station at http://www.live365.com/stations/russ5260 From what I have seen so far, I will be a regular visitor and contributor to MyPraize. :P :lol:


18 year(s) ago


Post edited by: ANGELSFLUTTERBYE, at: 2006/07/07 16:35


18 year(s) ago

Hey, I'm The Dan and I am 29 years old and a freshman at Bowling Green State University. I guess according to the posts I have seen, I'm already old! I feel old anyway, especially when I am being taught by people with PhD's who are younger than me. But I find solace in knowing that God put me there and I am walking out His path for me. Life is an exciting adventure when you live it for Christ. Although physically I may be more "seasoned" than many, I just celebrated my fifth Spiritual birthday last Saturday, so I am still a young 'un in some ways. slàinte The Dan


18 year(s) ago

Hey there! I'm Joe Camacho (no, NO relation to Hector Macho Camacho, the boxer). I'm 27 years of age and am breathing relief that I found peeps I can chat with! It's depressing not locating young peeps my age LOL! This site is da bomb, let me just say. I'm tired of getting invites to porn sites on myspace, that's for sure. I'm living in Walsenburg, CO and loving the scene! I was such a big city kinda guy and have found appreciation in life's small things. I'm here for new friends so let's get to it!:P

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