
i need some help


13 year(s) ago

i know this is gonna sound like such a teenage girl problem but that doesn't change the fact that i need help.about a month and a half ago my boyfriend of 4 months and i broke up.he had been dating another girl for about a week.we are in a band together and we're great friends still,but recently he brought his girlfriend to church and i was in tears by the end of the night,and I'm not the kind of person who cries easily.for a week now i have been trying to figure out why i would cry over that,but i realize now its because I'm still in love with him.i have been in denial of that since we broke up,but i can't just suppress those feelings anymore.I'm worried if i tell him it will do nothing but humiliate me,but if i don't I'll just stay depressed over him.i have to see him on average like three times a week,and it kills me a little inside each time.but every time i look in his eyes it just feels right and I'm sure i smile a little every time.but he goes to school and I'm homescooled,so he has like a million other girls to flirt with,that was also a problem when we dated.i just don't know what to do,so if someone could please help me.


13 year(s) ago

Alright hon, I need you to understand that I'm not going to be mean to you or try to belittle your feelings, ok? I understand that this is a real problem for you. Having said that, it says on your profile that you're twelve? You have a lot of time to find the right boy for you. Don't let this one get you down or hold you back. It's a little bit harder because you have to see him often and be friendly with him, but you definitely can still get through this. I promise.

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