
Import Music To Profile


17 year(s) ago

I have searched and searched for songs in the music catagory but i have found none of the ones i am looking for. And i have been thinking... Wait why can't we import music? It should have to go through the same evaluation as images do. So i dont see why this would be a bad idea.


17 year(s) ago

well thats like stealing the music.


17 year(s) ago

It isn't stealing if you already own the music...


17 year(s) ago

I have songs from Casting Crowns that I want to put on my profile, and I have searched the music pages and found nothing! I can't believe that this is a Christian myspace with NO Casting Crowns! There is no music from the Katinas as well. I was a little disappointed, but did anyone ever find out if we could import the music? Or at least request that they put it on the music search??? :(

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