
is it a sin to hunt?


18 year(s) ago

i am not so sure about hunting and i was wondering if it is a sin.:S


18 year(s) ago

well people hunt for food.... that's not wrong.... but im a$$uming that you are talking about hunting for sport..... i dont believe that that is technically a sin because God gave us animals basically for our own use (as long as we do so responsibly)..... i believe this would include hunting for food, clothing, and in a not overkill way sport


18 year(s) ago

nope it isnt i actualy did a bible study and we came up with a conclusion to alot of questions. God told adam that he was master over all plants and animals in the garden and the are to be used as food to nurish their body not anything else such as drugs so... if any druggies try to pull that well god made drugs to use them ... no he made plants like that to either eat or possibly medical purpuses dont no yet :P hes smart but in the beggining they wernt needed no sicknesses

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