
It really sucks when...


12 year(s) ago

...you can't stand your best friend's boyfriend. I didn't want to bring that problem here, but I don't know where else to turn. My best friend has been dating this guy for about 6 months. He was awesome in the beginning, but things have gotten pretty bad lately. He's a really nice guy underneath it all, but he's really spoiled. Growing up, he has always gotten his way from his parents. He expects it to be that way with my friend too. He gets really pouty on her and then just turns into a straight up super jerk when things aren't exactly how he wants them. He's been getting like that over ridiculous stuff lately too. She's a singer. She sings a lot at church, she has already recorded a CD, and she recently joined chorus at school for the upcoming year. He started pouting the other day and said, "I'm ashamed to have a girlfriend in chorus. I mean really... How would you feel if I joined band?" I'm sorry, but... Just... no. She fussed at him for it then let it slide. He keeps having these random moments where he'll say "I think we should break up", and it's always before she has something important going on. He drags her heart around like it's nothing and she just takes it. She's never done that before. I've talked to her about it, and so have several other friends, her brothers, and her parents. It's ridiculous. And now it's getting to where she's blowing off everyone else for him. He doesn't care and she won't see that. I want to know how I can get through to her. I can't stand to see her treated like this anymore, and I want her to put a stop to it. I know that I can only do so much, but I don't know that I've done all I can. I keep talking to her and keep trying to get through to her, but nothing's working. She blows it all off.


12 year(s) ago

Have you tried talking to him or do you know anyone that could try to talk to him and point out problems in how he's acting?


12 year(s) ago

Me talking to him is out of the question. He'd get mad and either take it out on her or pout to her, then she'd get mad at me. I do have a person in mind who may be able to talk to him though. I'm pretty sure she sees it. On the rare occasions when she does talk to me about it, she seems to have the same feelings toward how he's acting as I do. She just won't do anything about it.


12 year(s) ago

She sounds like how I was for years...I would date these horrible guys who would treat me badly and I'd give up everything for them but they would be selfish and hurtful. And no matter how many times people tried to talk to me, I never listened. The only way I was able to snap out of it was through a sudden epiphany. I'd be really depressed and they'd do something really awful, and I would suddenly realize that I didn't have to go through that. So I'd just leave, or they would leave me, depending on how complicated things were. Anyway, I don't recommend you let her go through it alone. Yes, she'll snap out of it, but it could damage her like it did to me. Not everyone can keep picking themselves up like I do. Some people just let it consume them. I learned from my terrible relationships... :/ but not everyone is able to do that. It's really really difficult to get her to listen though. It was for me, too. I guess you should just jump the guy in a dark alley and kidnap him...make him disappear. Shanghai style. ;)


12 year(s) ago

That was helpful. Very helpful. Thank you.

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