
Location information


17 year(s) ago

I was just woundering if there was a chance of having it set up so that persons living outside the US can have maybe just their country showing and not have to have a state in the US as well... (I may have missed something that can change that if so oooops and how do I change it) I live in Australia and some people kinda miss that bit when they look at my profile. (I got asked asl and refused to answer saying go look at my profile it you want that info and got told I live in alabama, sorry but I don't even know where that is in the US) Cheers Big Ears! :side:


17 year(s) ago

i know you can pick australia, but you cant just not pick a state?


17 year(s) ago

I'm pretty sure I tried that when I registed, n wouldn't take it... (or I could jus be a dumb blonde) N I've been here for a bit now so weater it has changed or not I dunno... And I don't really want to make another profile (I'm a one profile girl) Either way it all good


17 year(s) ago

you could still put australia. but then theres the stae problem


17 year(s) ago

if you don't put a state, instead of hiding it, it does the first on the list... Alabama. ...so I just put mine as Alaska. Since it is such an awesome state; and like one of (if not the) best states out there.

Post edited by: serfofChrist92, at: 2007/05/23 16:40


17 year(s) ago

well any way thanks for the input...


17 year(s) ago

hey was just looking over the states option field... would it be to hard to place in a blank option?

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