
major need


17 year(s) ago

i feel like i dont want to be a part of my youth group and im moving away from God but i read my bible and pray and i keep feelin distant


17 year(s) ago

Now I lay me down to sleep No one here I lay and weep If I die before I wake I know that my life was fake Keep me safe throughout the night I just want someone to hold tight


17 year(s) ago

do something in your church! like are they haveing some church get together? do they do a thing where they go and hand out tracks or talk to people about God? volunteer for somethin in your church! do something for God that you've never done before! sounds like youre getting bored. Talk to God about your problem! ask him why you feel this way? and if there is anything you can do to get closer to him! don't stop going to youth group! go to other youth groups! find another church that has youth group on a different night then the one you go to and go! meet some new people, thats what I do! B)

Post edited by: Staticstellarhawk, at: 2006/08/24 10:40

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