


12 year(s) ago

I am awake at 3:30 AM (gotta be up and getting ready to go in 4 hours). I'm so miserable. I woke up around 11 with cramps. I knew what that meant. They weren't bad though, so I hopped back into bed and dealt with it. Woke back up at 1 with the worst cramps in the world. Somehow, I managed to fall back asleep through it all. Woke back up at 2:45, got in the bath tub, and miserably laid there. That didn't help either. I took 3 ibuprofen and I'm praying that that will fix it soon. When I did manage to sleep, I dreamed vividly about how much pain I was in. I can't get any relief! This is really frustrating to someone who barely ever gets cramps. I can remember having cramps one other time, and ibuprofen and sleep fixed it. I don't know what to do. I'm so miserable. I feel bad for the girls who get this every month, and I hope that it's not going to become a routine thing for me. Ladies... please say a prayer for me today. I can't deal with this. I'm a baby.


12 year(s) ago

Poor chica. :( I'm sorry to hear that. The good news is that normally, cramps don't last past the first 30 hours. They'll go away. However, if this becomes a regular thing, talk to your doctor about it. I had the same thing... every month... to the point of passing out. Then I talked to my doc, and he put me on bc for the hormone balance, and I haven't had them since. Just keep an eye on your body. If it's regular, it's an imbalance.


12 year(s) ago

Thanks. I'll keep that in mind. Good news is that I woke up feeling better. I'm hoping they won't return today. Bad news is that I have a long day ahead of me and I'm dead tired. Darn Mother Nature. :/


12 year(s) ago

Oh, I know...it's that time for me too and I'm meeting Cody tomorrow! :( I have to plan a different outfit just in case, and try not to bite his head off...lol... Hope you feel better.


12 year(s) ago

Good luck! Hope everything goes well! Thanks. I'm feeling quite a bit better now. Hopefully it will leave me alone. I'm just thankful that mine came when it did. I'm almost always a week late, but I was only 3 days late this time. That's fortunate considering my best friend is having a pool party next week.


12 year(s) ago

Mine is two months late. :blink: Highly unusual, but at least it happened eventually. Thanks. :) I'm really nervous...

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