
My girlfriend


15 year(s) ago

Ok, so as some of you may or may not know, I had a girlfriend. And she is Christian. A pastors daughter for that matter. Now, She liked me A lot.IT took her a year but she finally got me to like her, and we ended up going out. So THEN I have my first make out session. AMAZING. lol. But anyway one day, she asks me to take of her bra. And I am like, umm...no. And then she says that she was just kidding. Strike One. Anyway, then her best friend makes out with this one guy and tells my girlfriend who tells me. This guy is not a very clean and "respectable" guy to put it at that. Then my Gf's best friend tells me that she did something with him. And I ask my GF and she says they made out. Two months after this ocurred. Strike Two Then One night she tells me that this one guy sent her nude pics. And that she did not want them. Turns out that she and him were texting and he asked her if she wanted to see and she said yes. Strike Three. So naturally, she's out. And I break up with her. But then she goes on a major apology streak and tells me how much she loves me and all that hubbaloo. And she apologizes to my best friend for setting a bad Christian example. So I mean she starts to change. And anyway she tells me that she is going to hold off from guys so that she can regain my trust. But now I don't know whether or not to take her back. Because I miss her. I sort of do like her. And IDK... Advice please. :)


15 year(s) ago

First thing - pastor's daughter =/= Christian. Second thing - this girl sounds like a slut. I don't think I could trust someone like that, but it's ultimately your decision.


15 year(s) ago

1. I know that. That is why I put that she was Christian first. 2. Lol. Thanks Kenneth.


15 year(s) ago

I wouldn't go back to her.


15 year(s) ago

i know how that feels. it kinda sucks. except my situation was a little different than yours


15 year(s) ago

[b]mantor48 wrote:[/b] [quote]1. I know that. That is why I put that she was Christian first. 2. Lol. Thanks Kenneth.[/quote] Well, if an opinion is asked, and I give it.... it's not going to be sugar coated. But seriously... if she was that quick to ask you to take her bra off in the first place.... that must mean she's easy. Then making out with another guy... if that was my girlfriend, she would be out so fast it would make her head spin.


14 year(s) ago

dude your gona love that gall for a long time and that's a normal thing, but you shouldn't take her back, if she realy wants to be a...well lets face it slut then that's her desision, but you need to find somebody better

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