
need some help


15 year(s) ago

so, ya i need some help. There's this girl right,(ya, iknow thats how it all starts)but, see we both realy like eachother. Now, im a devout christen, and wonder if its ok, but instead of going out, she wants to be freinds with "benifits". Like dating without a title. She says its that she feels guilty, about dating people. She's like 16, but her parents forbid it, but isnt that just as bad as dating? Im not sure, i mean its not like im not happy or something, ni just want to feel like im right in the eyes of god, and humans alike.


15 year(s) ago

If her parents are against her dating, you are dishonoring both her and her parents if you go behind their backs and do it anyway. Honor your father and your mother; 'tis the commandment with a promise.


15 year(s) ago

thats what i thought, but how do i not, or at least not hurt her feelings man?


15 year(s) ago

First of all, learn how to spell "Christian." Then, learn how to capitalize the "g" in "God." Then, the girl might actually like you.


15 year(s) ago

Nice to know theres always the helpfull, nonoffensive types out there, huh?


15 year(s) ago

I wasn't being offensive. That's nothing compared to some of the stuff you'll get if you don't start using better grammar. Seriously though. Is she a Disciple of Christ? If so, then honor her as a sister in Christ and when she feels comfortable with taking the relationship farther, then let it go where God leads.


15 year(s) ago

Well, sounds solid. She says she's a believer, but her actions dont realy seem to point that way, but not to say she's not. everyone is different and no Disciple is the same. Plus i dont want to start judging people, and as the Word says, Judge not, that ye be not judged.


15 year(s) ago

we all know that you can get away with less than perfect grammar, uncapitalization, and the occasional mispelled word here and there;) o wait, only i get away with thatB)


15 year(s) ago

Here here, wait, only you??


15 year(s) ago

pretty much. theyve given up on me;) ive been here for a while

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