
Obama Health Care


15 year(s) ago

I heard today on the radio at work (ABC News, thats what's playing on the station they had playing) about the health care reform plan. Does anyone besides me think it's a little bit ridiculous that the Dems want to get this massive 1100 page health care over-haul Bill passed in 3 weeks before the August recess? Talk about jumping the gun. Who's even going to have time to read it (thoroughly, as it should be) and debate over it? Noone. Also heard from ABC news that it will "order" employers to provide health care for their employees. In the middle of an economic recession? What!!???? But if you like your current HC plan you can keep it... In other words, force employers to provide for employees, and force unhealthy competition between private health care plans (some forced by employers) and the government private option. And if employers [i]don't[/i], then they get a hefty fine. What is this nation coming to?


15 year(s) ago

Oh, and also, I don't think we should forcing employers to provide health care. Millions of small businesses will close, and unployment will sore more then it already is. I won't be surprised if we hit 13% next year if this reform plan passes. And what happens when those small businesses close and their employees no longer have that employer health care? They go to the public government option. And boom, taxes rapidly exceed 45% on the wealthy. Socialism, anyone?


15 year(s) ago

Obama on the Senate not being able to get health care reform passed by the August recess: "That's ok! I just want people to keep working." First hes all- omg, we must reform everything, or everyones going to die and American families will be "broken". Now he's just trying to save his big ego, and make it look like everything is going great for him. Just trying to save his rapidly failing administration.


15 year(s) ago

When the "OMGOSH!!1!!111!! EMERGENCY!!!1!11!" card fails, he just switches to "your best buddy" mode. Does that really surprise you? He's a politician who knows how to work the system.


15 year(s) ago

No, I know what would've happened. We would all be freaking out and wondering what happened exactly when our super hero Obama swings in to say..... "I think those darn terrorists acted, errr, stupidly."


15 year(s) ago

Here's what I thought seemed like a good review for the book :) [url]http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/11/03/AR2005110301928.html[/url]


14 year(s) ago

The part that says the consequences? Why would the bill say that? I learned most of that stuff from a combination of watching CSPAN and listening to Mike Rosen in the mornings ;)


14 year(s) ago

By the way, I thought *some* of you might like this... [url]http://www.850koa.com/pages/shows_rosen.html[/url]


14 year(s) ago

Another messed up link :P javie, you really need to work on that.

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