


16 year(s) ago

So... I've successfully managed to set up my own server on linux (c/p tutorial mostly ;) ), and now I'm trying to set up my own little shoutbox for my site (found a script online http://www.oxyscripts.com/item-418.html). My problem is, I can't find any functions that tell php to change the location back to the original shoutbox (yeah, I'm a major noob to php). Like in javascript, all I have to do is window.location = "url"; but how do I do that in php? I googled it and only come up with a header redirect. I searched the w3c tutorials and haven't found any help there...so if anyone knows PHP and could help me out, that would be great. :) nevermind... I just used echo to write javascript. lol. That works. :whistle: But it'd still be sweet if there was someone on here who really knew php. :cheer:

Post edited by: serfofChrist92, at: 2007/11/16 02:24

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