
profile media


18 year(s) ago

so, explain your music/video, or whatever you have embedded in your profile. mine is an extol concert.. it's kind of long, but worth the while. there's a few really good songs that they play.


18 year(s) ago

wat do u mean explain it like tell u the name of it? haha im confused


18 year(s) ago

On my profile I have Stars by Switchfoot. Switchfoot ROX!


16 year(s) ago



16 year(s) ago

[b]jeremy1993 wrote:[/b] [quote]:huh:[/quote] When you go back a year and 1/2, you get confused. Ah, to have to days of html back...such sweet days....back then, I had the music video of Kelly Clarkson singing Since You've Been Gone. That was a LONG time ago...wow.

XS (Extra Small) SM (Small) MD (Medium) LG (Large)