
Questions for all the people politics about obama


15 year(s) ago

Ok so many people reply to me that we ALL WEREN'T born in a Christian country, right? So tell me this... Why is "under god" mentioned in The pledge, why is god on the dollar bill, if we werent built on a religion? The founding fathers of this country were christian, so lets keep it that way! Why was Obama voted? maybe for skin? Why would Barak Obama NOT appoligize for a whiteman for doing his job? maybe his color? anyway obama is racist and muslim to be believed. Its that Rush Limbaugh shouldn't go to prison(to all haters), He is Just using THE FREEDOM OF SPEACH! there is nothing wrong whit Rish Limbaugh, O'rielly, Glenn beck, and the news! all of them are giving their freedom of speach!!! and how come he said "there is no latino american" when his is african american? Actually there is NO SUCH THING AS ANY AFRICAN AMERICAN!!! you are either african or american! decide where you were born! there is no latino american bcause u were either born in the us or in spain or mexico or italy!


15 year(s) ago

"Under God" wasn't added into the pledge officially (it was used unofficially for quite some time before then though) until 1954 ( [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pledge_of_Allegiance#Addition_of_the_words_.22under_God.22]source[/url] ). As to why: well, the answer is quite simply that the majority of Americans, both historically and now, acknowledge the existence of a deity. As far as the Obama racist thing, Dante is right that I can't judge Obama's motives for his comments about the police department. I do know that the professor definitely acted "stupidly" by pulling the race card in the way that he did (listen to the audio of it), and I believe were he white, no one would care if he was arrested for making a scene in the way that he did. No one should use race as a crutch. Why didn't Obama apologize? I'm not sure. Most of us were taught by our parents that when we do something wrong, we apologize and move on. Maybe his mother or father didn't teach him this. But this picture pretty accurately captures the whole ordeal: [img]http://www.glennbeck.com/images/news/2009/05/080309pod1.jpg[/img] ( [url=http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2009/07/obamas_revealing_body_language.html]read the article with it[/url] ) Rush Limbaugh shouldn't go to prison. You're right. That was Matt speaking out of two sides of his mouth. Clearly, this is a nation of free speech. Right wing talking heads have just as much right to speak their opinion as the left wing talking heads. As for your comment about there being no African Americans, I'm not sure what your problem is with using a respectful title. Sometimes, it's necessary to describe someone's ethnicity. Whether it is Anglo-Saxon, Latino, African-American, etc.


15 year(s) ago

re: Under G-d Ben is right, it was a post-WW2 measure. The only thing I would add is that it wasn't added to reflect a majority opinion, but rather because of the emerging cold war with communist Russia. Faith in G-d was one thing that set us apart from them, thus the phrase was added to reflect that. Yes, Rush SHOULD be in prison. There are limits to free speech. If I use my freedom of speech to advocate, say, armed revolution, you better believe they can come after me for that. Rush Limbaugh chose to use HIS national voice to openly advocate that Republicans lie to the American people, by taking part in a DEMOCRATIC primary, which is only supposed to be attended by people who intended to vote Democrat in the actual election. That IS tampering with a federal election. Everyone that took part in switching sides for the primary lied to We The People, and the few at the top of this conspiracy are outright traitors to this country, who have no respect for the integrity of our elections. Your whole rant about Latino-Americans and African-Americans doesn't even make sense to me, so I can't respond to it. Why CAN'T a person be proud both of their country, AND their heritage? And, how am I talking out of both sides of my mouth? I don't care what a person's political affiliations are. You don't have the right to interfere with the democratic process. Where have I EVER said otherwise?


15 year(s) ago

[quote]And, how am I talking out of both sides of my mouth? I don't care what a person's political affiliations are. You don't have the right to interfere with the democratic process. Where have I EVER said otherwise?[/quote] What law did he break that he should be behind bars? I'm not sure what all this switching sides on the primary thing is, but I read your post to mean that you thought he should be behind bars for his views. Sorry if I misread that.


15 year(s) ago

[b]serfofChrist92 wrote:[/b] [quote][quote]And, how am I talking out of both sides of my mouth? I don't care what a person's political affiliations are. You don't have the right to interfere with the democratic process. Where have I EVER said otherwise?[/quote] What law did he break that he should be behind bars? I'm not sure what all this switching sides on the primary thing is, but I read your post to mean that you thought he should be behind bars for his views. Sorry if I misread that.[/quote] No, not for his political views.. For "Tampering with a federal election" Each primary is supposed to have participation only from those who intend to vote for that party in the general election. The republican primary is supposed to be for those who have already decided to vote republican. Same with the democratic primary. Rush Limbaugh used his nationally syndicated show to openly advocate that his audience misrepresent themselves as democrats, in order to vote for Hillary Clinton in the democratic primary, on the notion that she would be harder for democrats to elect in the general election. This undermined the integrity OF those democratic primaries, kept her in the news for months longer than needed, and quite frankly, is probably a big factor is her having a cabinet position today. He openly instructed his followers to lie to the election workers, and to the American people, in order to change the results of an election. THAT'S why I think he should be in prison.


15 year(s) ago

It's dishonest and shady, but what law did he break?


14 year(s) ago

[b]serfofChrist92 wrote:[/b] [quote]It's dishonest and shady, but what law did he break?[/quote] Tampering with a federal election. It's a felony. Yes, it would be difficult (and wrong) to prosecute individuals for this, because the system does give room for people to change their minds. It would be too hard to judge intent. But Rush's own words would convict him, and show the lack of respect he has for our democratic system.


14 year(s) ago

[b]MattBob_SquarePants wrote:[/b] [quote][b]serfofChrist92 wrote:[/b] [quote]It's dishonest and shady, but what law did he break?[/quote] Tampering with a federal election. It's a felony..[/quote] Hmm. I guess we can arrest everyone at MSNBC, ABC, The New York Times, and countless others in the horribly corrupt far left media. Which get continually smashed by Fox News ;)


14 year(s) ago

And by the way, I live and reside in the United States, therefore, I am an American.

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