


17 year(s) ago

i've been thinking a lot about this recently... I've heard a lot about people with the whole "once saved always saved" or "you get it, and you can lose it".... and I was thinking about it and a theory hit me (not saying I'm the first to have it, but I came up with one anyways), so here we go: Salvation is like a process. It's a process that begins when you first accept Jesus into your heart and ends when you die and go to Heaven. It's kind of like signing a contract. You accept Jesus and sign that contract. The promise with this contract is going to Heaven to be with God forever, but to do so, you have to live up to your part of the bargain and continue to believe and follow Him. Not saying it's perfect, but it's what I thought of... let me know what you guys think... feel free to debate, that's why this topic is in here lol

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