
So what's the deal with airline food? Got jokes?


18 year(s) ago

You think you got jokes? Unleash them here! But remember, keep them clean! [img size=300]http://www.mypraize.com/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/images/2003_09_04_Ground_to_air_missiles_threaten_planes_400wb.JPG[/img] Post edited by: FlippinSweet, at: 2006/06/11 00:06 Post edited by: FlippinSweet, at: 2006/06/11 00:07

Post edited by: FlippinSweet, at: 2006/06/11 00:10


17 year(s) ago

Did you know Moses drove a motorcycle? ::: "The ROAR of Moses' TRIUMPH was heard in the hills!" Lol I love that one! Here's one my dad tells ALL THE TIME: Knock-knock! Who's there? Cow Cow who? Cow moo, not cow who! So stupid, I know, but he loves tellin it and we...love?....listening to it! :S :laugh:

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