
Starting placement


13 year(s) ago

Hey guys, I'm shadowing my first shift for my placement/internship tonight. Just wanted prayer for a few things: -The residents met me briefly yesterday and are trying to sus me out, this makes me feel uncomfortable but it's a natural thing for someone to do. -There is so much stuff to learn and remember. Lock doors, put sharps away, check when they come back in, track what snacks they have, medicines, food, classes... That's just the easy stuff, not to mention all the different forms, folders and stuff I've forgotten since being told. -It's a night shift and I struggle with staying up late. I'm a nana. -Migraines. I've been on a thin edge lately with migraines and I'm worried that this night work with not help any. -And just in general for going into a new place/starting a new job. I'm really excited but nervous about working here, but thank God He got me this placement! Cheers, Kez :)

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