
What a bully...


13 year(s) ago

So as I mentioned before, I was dating this guy before Cody. He lives in England. We were together last year for a few months, then broke up because I couldn't handle school and a relationship at once. We were good friends for awhile, and then got back together sometime during the second semester. We broke up some time ago. I had not been very happy in that relationship either of the times we were together. I felt like he didn't take me or my opinions/ideas seriously, and he would not bend for anyone...even me. He was a stubborn guy and he always had to have the last word. If anyone tried to prove him wrong, he would lash out. And that's still true. He was not an abusive type, really. Just a bit of a meanie. He would never lay a hand on any girl, actually. He was at least a good man as far as that goes. We tried not to talk about serious things because it would always cause a huge argument, and neither of us wanted that. He found nothing wrong with arguing with me, but if I argued back, he would get really angry and we would fight until one of us got hurt. Then we would make up, sometimes after a few hours, sometimes after a few days. This kind of on/off relationship didn't seem very healthy to me. I was unhappy. My "friends" I'd had for seven years had been treating me pretty badly, and I went to him for comfort, but he wouldn't take me seriously. He thought I was just being paranoid. Eventually, I got tired of the same routine where we'd fight and make up, then do it again, and where I'd tell him a problem but he wouldn't support or comfort me or even give constructive advice. I was very unhappy, and for the last couple months of our relationship, I often questioned my feelings for him. I decided to stay anyway, in hopes that things might change. But I was just in denial. The reality was, I was just telling myself over and over that I loved him, when I actually didn't and was just uncomfortable and unhappy. Towards the end, he went on a vacation for two weeks. When he got back, I told him I was considering rejoining MyPraize, to see if I could find answers and comfort in religion, and possibly make some great friends. He told me my religion was "bollocks" and that I was only coming here because I wanted someone to like me. Which is, of course, untrue. He called you "Bible heads," too. So I stood up to him, and I gave him a choice: he could choose to respect me and my beliefs, or take a hike and always be right...by himself. He chose the former, but really the apology he gave leaned towards the latter. I realized there was no saving our relationship, and I left. I tried to be his friend, but that didn't work out either. Today, he messaged me on Facebook, saying that my faith is a joke, and that he doesn't take me seriously because no one takes "people like us" (you and me) seriously. He said Cody would run away from me in two months after finding out how messed up I am. And then he said that when I'm "cured of religion," he will take me back as his friend. Then he blocked me, because he likes to have the last word. I posted this for a few reasons. One, I needed someone to share it with, because it really hurts. Two, to show people a different kind of unhealthy relationship...because I think it's important that people realize that just because a guy doesn't hit you, it doesn't mean that you should stay with him (because if you're really unhappy, and you've tried to fix things but can't, then there's just no getting around it and you should leave). And Three, because I wanted to show you guys how much I love you. We've not known each other long, it's true...but the several times he's called you all "Bible heads" and religious nuts and crazy people, I've not let him get away with it. No one talks about my friends like that. ;) Or my religion, for that matter. He keeps coming on here to read the forums, scanning every active thread for any mention of himself. I think it's safe to say that this guy is just a lonely old bully.


13 year(s) ago

Okay, I'm gonna make a list, because I like them. 1- I don't care what he says, I am FAR more screwed up than you are... and they let me work here. So he can bug off. :P 2- I think if he scans for mentions of himself, he just found one. Hello paranoid crazy (and extremely selfish, if I might add) exboyfriend! :D How are you today? But seriously sir, don't answer that... I'll have to delete your account for posting in the women's forum... 3- Abuse comes in many, many forms. I think you found the emotional and verbal abuse one. You're right though, though someone doesn't hit you, that NEVER means that your relationship is automatically healthy.

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