
Why Linux is better


16 year(s) ago



16 year(s) ago

I'd debate with you but as you can see I have no idea what you are talking about. It is also 1:44AM and I woke up at 5AM yesterday so I am too lazy to read! (O_o)


16 year(s) ago

Definitely had to lol at this: [img]http://www.whylinuxisbetter.net/Images/business_news.png[/img]


16 year(s) ago

[b]MisterNathan wrote:[/b] [quote]Definitely had to lol at this: [img]http://www.whylinuxisbetter.net/Images/business_news.png[/img][/quote] That is awesome Nate!


16 year(s) ago

super sweet. Where'd that come from? That's gotta be the closest to menacing I've ever seen the linux penguin.


16 year(s) ago

[b]MattBob_SquarePants wrote:[/b] [quote]super sweet. Where'd that come from? That's gotta be the closest to menacing I've ever seen the linux penguin.[/quote] The site you posted lol. You don't even have to go anywhere...just scroll down and it's on the main page.


16 year(s) ago

I love the Open Source forum! Sweet! =D oh...and Mat, why does it list you as an Admin on some pages, and a Mod on others?


16 year(s) ago

[b]serfofChrist92 wrote:[/b] [quote]I love the Open Source forum! Sweet! =D oh...and Mat, why does it list you as an Admin on some pages, and a Mod on others?[/quote] Excellent pregunta. I was wondering that as well.


16 year(s) ago

I could tell you that.. but then I'd have to ban you. I am no one important. Mod? Admin? I scrub toilets. Nothing more. Go back to your cubicles, folks. hehehe


16 year(s) ago

That still doesn't explain why it says admin on one sub-forum, and mod in the other. :P Oh wait... my posting freedom is at stake here. I better shut up. ;)

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