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Bio : {{config.wall.profile.bio}}
Musical Influences : {{config.wall.profile.musicalInfluences}}
Genre : {{config.wall.profile.genre}}
Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/goldinchina
Edited {{content.lastEdited|timeSince}}
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Brooklin Nash
Love at first sight (My younger bro..=)
Brooklin Nash
Me and my Older Bro
Brooklin Nash
Baby Bro
Brooklin Nash
Brooklin Nash
Tatsu. Duuude...
Brooklin Nash
Mock Trial Team 2007! Woot!!
Brooklin Nash
S to the Oiree =)
Brooklin Nash
A day at the beach...
Brooklin Nash
One for four, and four for one! Wait...
Brooklin Nash
Brooklin Nash
Ahhhhh!!!! Hey!! I havn\'t talked to you forever!! How\'s life???
Kitty Kattttt (:
This week is bf/gf week. Send this to four people you care about of the same sex and the four people you care about of the opposite sex you find attractive. If you get any back you will have completed the circle of love and know that you are LOVED
Macayla Frisinger
HEY!!! i havnt talked to you in what feels like 100 yeasr!!AAAHH!! ive been meaning to call you...i cnceled my cell..too expensive..whats new?
Corinna S.
Hey B! I noticed I wasn\'t on your wall anymore so I decided to comment on your pic. I think it is a very good pic. Lookin\' sharp!!!! :wink: Later, Sting!
Kitty Kattttt (:
Hey, just reading old and new wall blogs, and yours was the last one on the page, I am happy that I did, soo bored right now that I had to type/do sumtin, so I gave your wall a little bit of \"content\"...haha, g/b? I am confused, I am guessing you are a guy, but I wanted to say hello and goodbye!!! I guess I will talk to you later goldinchina! :D

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