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Bio : {{config.wall.profile.bio}}
Musical Influences : {{config.wall.profile.musicalInfluences}}
Genre : {{config.wall.profile.genre}}
Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/hoopzchic20
Edited {{content.lastEdited|timeSince}}
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haley sabin
haley sabin
me lol
haley sabin
candice dillon
hey!!! whats up?
Kristen Bane
hello! Whatcha doin?
Joel Okaah
im good, what u been up to
haley sabin
hey nuttin much how bout you???!!!???!!!??? :wink:
Joel Okaah
hey wassup
haley sabin
yea you no me atleast you should have you already forgotten lol jk jk but you do no me so i guess i\'ll go luv ya P.S. Don\'t worry i tell everybody i luv ya tehe BUH~BYe *~HALEY~* :wink:
haley sabin
HeY JeN WaT\'s Up WiT u HeY WhEn DiD u GeT MyPrAiZe Jw TeHe lol Jk Jk So HoW HaVe U BeEn lOl WeLl G2G LoL BuH~ByE *~HaLeY~* :wink: :wink:
Kristen Bane
Hi! Haley! This is Kristen from church. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!
haley sabin
hey we have talked in a long time so wat have you been up to me i guess nothin just playin basketball hopefully we can talk sometime so when you get sometime write me back k k i would love to hear from you well talk to you l8ter noesha :wink: :wink:
haley sabin
hey wat's up love the background you have and the pic that you have on there D.Wade is awsome he is my favorite basketball player so maybe you can get on the chat room sometime and we can talk anyways holla at ya gurl noeasha p.s. write back on my wall plz!! if ya want lol :wink: :wink: :wink:
haley sabin
hey nathan wat's up this is haley if you are wandering who did that to your profile it was me and if you don't like it just write me back on my wall and tell me wat you want and i'll put it on there 4 you k!!!! well i guess i'll go love ya bunches haley P.S. write me back on my wall :wink: :wink: :wink:
haley sabin
did you get my message? haley :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

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