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Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/hotmango
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Seth Ferreira
Seth Ferreira
- 16 signs you like someone ---- - - ---- - - ---- - -SIXTEEN: ---- - - ---- - -When you\'re on the phone with them late at night and they ----hang up, you ---- - -still ---- - -miss them even when it was just two minutes ago. ---- - - ---- - - ---- - -FIFTEEN: ---- - - ---- - -You read their Texts and Ims Over and over again. ---- - - ---- - - ---- - - ---- - -FOURTEEN: ---- - - ---- - -You walk really slow when you\'re with them. ---- - - ---- - - ---- - - ---- - -THIRTEEN: ---- - - ---- - -You feel shy whenever they\'re around. ---- - - ---- - - ---- - - ---- - -ELEVEN: ---- - - ---- - -When you think about them, your heart beats faster but ----slower at the same ---- - -time. ---- - - ---- - - ---- - - ---- - -TEN: ---- - - ---- - -You smile when you hear their voice. ---- - - ---- - - ---- - - ---- - -NINE: ---- - - ---- - -When you look at them, you can\'t see the other people around ----you, you ---- -just ---- - -see him/her. ---- - - ---- - - ---- - - ---- - -EIGHT: ---- - - ---- - -You start listening to slow songs while thinking about ---- - -them. ---- - - ---- - - ---- - - ---- - -SEVEN: ---- - - ---- - -They\'re all you think about. ---- - - ---- - - ---- - - ---- - -SIX: ---- - - ---- - -You get high just from their scent. ---- - - ---- - - ---- - - ---- - -FIVE: ---- - - ---- - -You relize you\'re always smiling when you\'re looking at ----them. ---- - - ---- - - ---- - - ---- - -FOUR: ---- - - ---- - -You would do anything for them, just to see them. ---- - - ---- - - ---- - - ---- - -THREE: ---- - - ---- - -While reading this, there was one person on your mind this ----whole time. ---- - - ---- - - ---- - - ---- - -TWO: ---- - - ---- - -You were so busy thinking about that person, you didnt ----notice number ---- -twelve ---- - -was missing ---- - - ---- - - ---- - - ---- - -ONE: ---- - - ---- - -You just scrolled up to check & are now silently laughing at ----yourself.
Seth Ferreira
graffiti :shock:

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