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Bio : {{config.wall.profile.bio}}
Musical Influences : {{config.wall.profile.musicalInfluences}}
Genre : {{config.wall.profile.genre}}
Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/linguist4christ
Edited {{content.lastEdited|timeSince}}
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  • {{sficVm.realCommentsLength(content)}}
Kristie Whiting
Hey girl! S\'up? :lol:
MyPraize Band
[b]Thanks For Add?n Me and For Check?n Out My Muisc![/b] [i]Later ? O![/i]
Kristie Whiting
Hi! Everything is going pretty good here. Having mid-terms this week.... How 'bout you? Have a blessed and edyifing week Sis!!!! 8)
Esther Chavez
hey you I am sorry I haven't been on ! I have been busy how have you been ??
Sharon E.
Hey i just though i'd drop you a line to say hello and hope your keeping well. Take care. Sharon
Kristie Whiting
Hi! Glad to meet you :D Have a great week!
Esther Chavez
Hey you how u doing?? It was nice to hear from you !! Hve a great rest f the week !! :D
Kristie Whiting
Hiya!! Everything is going great!! Have a Blessed week, my friend and dont forget to smile :roll:
Esther Chavez
Hey you how is ur weknd going so f?? just wanted to drop by and say hi!!
Kristie Whiting
Hey amiga! Nice background :shock: Dont get too mad at the Jar Heads, their pretty awesome! Have a great weekend :D
Kristie Whiting
Hey! You have a really great site! love your picture! :D Love in Christ
Katherine Dodson
hey hey hey, nice picture!!! :D
Katherine Dodson
alrighty then, so you got to wirte on mine first and now i get to write on yours first. i shall await you phone call around 10 this morning. :D
Kristie Whiting
Hey! I am the first to sign!!!! Have fun! :roll:

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