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Bio : {{config.wall.profile.bio}}
Musical Influences : {{config.wall.profile.musicalInfluences}}
Genre : {{config.wall.profile.genre}}
Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/loveyouforever
Edited {{content.lastEdited|timeSince}}
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Nicole Nadeau
Me and My Friends
Nicole Nadeau
Tyler Phillips
Hey it\'s tyler. I know It\'s been forever. I got facebook like 3 months ago and I use that alot now. just wanted to know, do you have one? hope life has been treating you well, Ty p.s You still have my email address. feel free to email me.
angela patten
we didnt even go to Georgia!!!
angela patten
hey um we have some bad news....while we r in Georgia we might not be able to see you!!! =[ i know i know im sad also. Hope we can see each other again!!!
angela patten
hey hey wat up?
angela patten
HEY GIRL wat up? i havent talked to u in forever...when was that pic taken? cuz thats when i had my braces =[ do u have a different 1 of us??? if u do u should put that one up!!!! Anyway come on aim sometime and we will talk!!! love ya miss u bye bff!!!
Nicole Nadeau
Hey.......Whhat\'s up?We should talk.........Got some stuff going on in my life I\'d lke to talk about. Love, Nikki
Nicole Nadeau
you should come in the chat room bro!
Nicole Nadeau
you should come in the chat room bro!
Nicole Nadeau
hey Tyler!It\'s Nikki,from the old days where redfan and tearsfallendlessly and all my old accounts existed!Long time.We should talk!Ttyl, Nikki
Nicole Nadeau
hey Tyler!It\'s Nikki,from the old days where redfan and tearsfallendlessly and all my old accounts existed!Long time.We should talk!Ttyl, Nikki

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