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Bio : {{config.wall.profile.bio}}
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Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/mileycyrus01
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miley cyrus
iszac miner
sup will you wright a comment on my wall
Nick Howard
your so totally fake and you know it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Brooke Hafley
I dont know why everyone is being so mean about it, no need to snap her head off just cuz she says shes miley... its like you go around looking for people to chew out, well you people OBVIOUSLY have some flaws too, so quit critasizing. WWJD
Taegan McMillan
u know, it\'s really LAME when people impersonate other people. I don\'t even like Miley Cyrus, but still, that\'s really Lame. If you made this to be a fan site, it\'s not working. You should have written a blog that said it was a fan site, so, nice work slick ;) good luck with those haters.
madison crawford
you are totally fake beacse you have no pictures and you took a picture of a poster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Susena Finegan
IDK if you are the real miley cyrus, but there are alot of people claiming to be her, so that\'s why i am not sure... :?:
Abby Stanley
are u the ral miley :( i dont belive u
July Kelly
ok if u r the real mileyray cyrus/Distiny tell ujs something only the real miley would know miley i mean poser!!!!!
jordan rutan
yea what music appreciation said people get personal pics of miley cyrus off of google and i have the real mylie cyrus on my buddie list cuz she gave me her phone nuber i called it and she answered and were really good friends now so yea write me a messge if you dont belive me
jami hebert
HI :lol:
MyPraize Band
Ok all these posers think people are going to come along and believe that they are really Miley Cyrus just because their screen name is [i] therealmileycyrus[/i] but if Miley Cyus had one in the first place do you think she would have a stupid name like that? [i] Start acting more Christinan-like!
Amber Davis
Hey Miley, Just wanted to say thanx for being such an awesome role model, my little sis is in love with you, she wants to be just like you. You have had an awesome impact on her life. -God Bless
tori awsomeyall
hi wut up
esther winney
Sup I love your music & your better then the linsy lahand. :lol:

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