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Bio : {{config.wall.profile.bio}}
Musical Influences : {{config.wall.profile.musicalInfluences}}
Genre : {{config.wall.profile.genre}}
Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/mosh-pit-boy
Edited {{content.lastEdited|timeSince}}
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Noah Rabe
Noah Rabe
hey whats up havent talk to u in forever.... hows school???
Noah Rabe
hi um n2m but im never on this because i have a myspace now well i\'ve had it for like 2 months or w/e so ttyl bye
Noah Rabe
ya i was ..... it was pretty good ttyl
Noah Rabe
hey katie whats up ..... just came by to say.... hey katie whats up ttyl noah
Noah Rabe
um nuthin really im pretty bored ok well i\'ll ttyl and where r you taking your PSSA\'s?
Noah Rabe
um ya eather im taking it in cranberry or monroville so maybe see u there ttyl bye
Noah Rabe
yep yep she will...... ya so anywho how long have you been singing ...... and how long have you been at number 1??? ok well ttyl peace out homie.........
Noah Rabe
hey bud just wanted you to know you should look out for katie marie at indieheaven she\'s only 16 too, and she\'s at 56 now lat week she was at 132 no offence but i think she\'s better + i shes a good friend of mine she goes to my church and were like gangster so ya bye
Noah Rabe
hey katie nice site ..... just wanted to let u know ur songs on my site now ok well see you later bye
Noah Rabe
nice pic lol ok well ttyl bye
Noah Rabe
famous last words
Noah Rabe
um ok whatever u say lol ok ya talk to u later bye
Noah Rabe
um sure i am lol ok well n2m im really bored so ttyl....
Noah Rabe

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