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Bio : {{config.wall.profile.bio}}
Musical Influences : {{config.wall.profile.musicalInfluences}}
Genre : {{config.wall.profile.genre}}
Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/pinky4
Edited {{content.lastEdited|timeSince}}
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  • {{sficVm.realCommentsLength(content)}}
leah little
leah little
Lauren Hogie
hey girlie... omg, txt me later. Luv the profile. BTW: ITS LAUREN
elizabeth c
hey leah whats up i made a diff profile if u wanted to change ilovesos to elizabeht-marie thats my new one i ask u to be my friend
Elizabeth Little
Whats Minnie without Mickey? Whats Tigger without Pooh?Whats patrick without Spongebob? Whats ME without you? send this to 10 ppl you love or are your friends you never want to lose!!!!!! if you get this bac it means that you areimporant to them to !!!!!!
Elizabeth Little
r u sick i need u to come bac to school i need to talk to u bc bout u know who my bf COME BAC get well soon i miss u bye ttyl
marjorie nunya
YEA!!!!!!!! WE WON!!!!!! :D
marjorie nunya
Elizabeth Little
hey wats up get on chat and we can talk
marjorie nednandra
ugh o well :roll: :cry:
Elizabeth Little
i changed it so thats ok i dont care i like this one better bye
Brad Bennett
sry. cant do that cause Elizabeth said you put innapropriate stuff on your blog. plus, your myptraize page is all messed up so, wat would b da point?sry. :cry:
marjorie nednandra
\"brad\" its speled bryttani and accept my friend re quest plz
Brad Bennett
im at school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! brittany is trying to call you, did you get it back from mrs. crosby :?:
leah little
hey keelis for spainish wat do we have to study i mean like witch vacabulary sheet and go to chat please!!

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