







23 Feb

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Bio : {{config.wall.profile.bio}}
Musical Influences : {{config.wall.profile.musicalInfluences}}
Genre : {{config.wall.profile.genre}}
Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/relientk-buddy
Edited {{content.lastEdited|timeSince}}
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  • {{sficVm.realCommentsLength(content)}}
MyPraize Band
Benjamin Serfyman
For a fake RK profile you do a bad job of keeping up with your own music. :wink:
Jonathan Lamunyon
hey-guys how are you ?
Areona Lyn Parfait
I just Love Sadies Hawkins Dance!It is The Best!And the other songs like must have done something right,im taking you with me,bite my tounge,devistation and reform,and Mood ring.Bye!
Andrew Reich
hey u guys r awesome. i especially liked ur christmas cd.
AJ Cooper
hey thanks you guys have been a big insperation for the band that im in...we just did your song pink tux to the prom for the talent show!!! thanks!
Aidan Horn-Gebauer
Hey! U Guys R Awesome! Me
Jessi Triola
Oh My Gosh!!!! Relient K you da BOMB!!! Ive been listenin to dis stuff scince i was like five!!! Luv Ya!!!!
shannon mills
hay you guys rock!!! Hope to see more of your music on here soon...thanks for keeping it real
Elijah Edwards
Normally i would say you guys rock like everyone else, but... i am different so.... you guys are SCRUMTRULESCENT!!!!
Elijah Edwards
Normally i would say you guys rock like everyone else, but... i am different so.... you guys are SCRUMTRULESCENT!!!!
jenna &haerts; }*$~+123{
ya, its been months sense and their probubly busy
aj lopez
you guys realize this is fake they say they just put out the album mhmm which if your a real fan was made before forgiven which is on there newer cd five score and seven years ago
Mikayla Racca
u rock
Esteban Espinoza
You guys ROCK MY SOCKS!!!!!!

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