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Bio : {{config.wall.profile.bio}}
Musical Influences : {{config.wall.profile.musicalInfluences}}
Genre : {{config.wall.profile.genre}}
Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/rockfourchrist
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Steve Studley
Lauren B.
your hair is awesome. you rock!......it kinda makes me think of grass though..hmmm
Amie Drumwright
hey wutcha been up 2?
Becky =] Lynn
haha yeah im fine. idk i just saw that you were online, figured i would say hi :].
Steve Studley
Dang yeah it has been a long time I am doing pretty good how about yourself? I hope all is well. God Bless!!! :D
Becky =] Lynn
hey i havent talked to you in forever! i dont know if you even remember me. we used to talk like.. back in december or something. lonng time ago! but yeah, im bored, saw you were on. i hope you're doing gooood :]
Steve Studley
Yo yo! Sweet thanks for showin me some love. I have been doing pretty good I am going to eastern WA for a whole week to Lake Chelan and it's gonna be awesome! Other than that not much...God Bless you hecka!
Michelle Lindsey
Hey Hey! I haven't been on here in like forever, so I figured I would stop by! Hopefully you're doin good! Holla at me! Michelle
Amie Drumwright
Oh that sounds awesome! I am excited about my trip 2!!! :D
Amie Drumwright
Hey im not up 2 much either. This summer i am going on this trip with my church. So wut r u doin this summer???? :)
Steve Studley
I am going to Lake Chelan with my youth group and then I am going to Creation West!!! I am excited for both!!!
Steve Studley
Hey hey nothing much! lol So you don't play the drums...oh well haha your still proibably uber cool. So how's life been? Everything good? What are you doing for summer? Anyways God Bless you!
Amie Drumwright
hey wutz up??? :D
Steve Studley
WOAH! Yeah it's been forever I have been doing pretty good and I hope your doing good youself! I can't wait for summer we are almost done here just like 15 days left...for summer I am going to Creation West and it's gonna rock! Anyways God Bless you TIFFYCAKES!!! :)
Tiffany Gaines
Hey Stevooo!!! How are ya?? Havent talked to you in fooorreevvveerrr!!! I'm finally figuring this mypraize stuff out! lol Well talk to ya later! God Bless!! :D

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